Thursday, December 3, 2009

Arming the Bohemian Once More

After a nearly two month hiatus, I've posted something new at Armed Bohemian again: Grey Skills.
Just some rough thoughts really, but, its something. I have no idea if this will be the regular posting pattern for AB or not. I'd like for it not to be, but the natural order may say differently.
This blogging stuff takes a great deal of work - I spend anywhere between two and ten hours on every blog post longer than a couple paragraphs. Sometimes there is just not enough time in the day. Particularly when I am doing this for free, and probably will continue to do so for awhile as I build the necessary frame work and readership to make virtual crowdsurfing work. That is time I could spend blacksmithing, teaching, doing other writing, or training , just as those things are time I could spend blogging. Everything has to balance, and that's always evolving.

Don't forget about Armed Bohemian though. I havent -It's still going and will continue.

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